What We Do

“Introducing Jesus into broken situations with the hope of changing generations.”

adults and children

What is Roots of Grace Cambodia?

Our goal at Roots of Grace Cambodia is to help break the generational cycle of living on the streets through expanded opportunities for spiritual investment, education, hygiene, physical and emotional care, and vocational training.

Spiritual Investment

At our ministry center, we use age-appropriate and well established curriculum to teach the kids every day about the Bible.  In their own language, we lead them in worship through singing and prayer. In four other locations on the streets of Battambang, we hold weekly Bible studies where people come to faith in Jesus and learn how to follow Him.


Roots of Grace currently provides scholarships to 20 children who are living on the street. These scholarships allow the children to attend school, while also assisting them with homework and their English skills.  Mastering English will give them the opportunity as adults to obtain higher-paying employment.


Because of access to running water that Roots of Grace provides, the children we serve are able to take daily showers, brush their teeth, and learn the importance of hand washing and other important hygiene practices to maintain their health.

Physical & Emotional Care

Living on the streets of a Third World country is extremely difficult. In these conditions a simple cut or scrape can become life threatening because of the lack of access to medical care and simple antibiotics. Roots of Grace often assists the children and adults in our ministry to get the medicine and medical care that they need.

Vocational Training

For the individuals who have never had the opportunity to go to school but are too old now to start that educational process, Roots of Grace assists them (along with adults from our bible studies) to learn the skills that can help them earn a decent living.